12:06 PM | Author: Eric Tuin
Well I guess I am not as young as I used to be. For some reason it is taking me a lot longer to recover from my run last weekend than expected. I must have injured myself or something because I can not get my back and hip to feel the same since the run. I am hoping that with some more time I will be back to normal. I still feel like I am 22 and for some reason 10 years has made recovery a little slower. I see my kids get "hurt" and in five minutes they are back to running jumping and as long as the bandaid stays on they are fine. I suppose they may hurt a little still but seem to notice it less than I would with the same injury.

Thanks everyone for visiting my blog I am hoping that someday it will amount to something other than my random thoughts and happenings. I hope you have a good weekend.
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On 1:44 PM , Anonymous said...

Hi Eric -

Glad to see you made it and had a "fun" time doing it. You are Marion look great! (So does everyone else, but I don't know them.) I pray your hip and back get lined back up soon!

Love you and your family!

On 2:06 PM , Toevs said...

I know what you mean about feeling younger than you really are! Amazing how the years creep up on you!

On 8:34 PM , Anonymous said...

We are praying for you! Hope your hip and back are better soon. Good talking to you tonite.
Love, Mom and Dad

On 1:53 PM , Marion said...

You're still young - and hot! Szzzz!!!!


On 8:51 AM , Toevs said...

I keep checking in... where's an update... or a new post? :-)