8:37 AM | Author: Eric Tuin
Well, my wife talked me in to doing a half marathon in June so I have started training again. The first week or so was not much fun, sore butt, tired legs, tired in general, etc. I have to get up at 5:20 or there about to have time to workout before going to work. I like it once i'm up and going but it is hard many mornings to get myself out of bed and head out to run, or out to swim, or the gym. Hopefully it will all be worth it.

Last year I think I did 4 triathlons and a couple other running races, on top of Marion's races that she did (that I didnt do) it made for a lot of weekend events. I think I am going to step it back a little this year, I guess we'll see, I usually end up doing one or two that I did not plan on doing just because they sound fun. I guess it is keeping us in shape and gives us something to shoot for.

The picture that I posted below is on the Oregon coast that I took in 2005, I have it as my computer background and have thought of getting it enlarged to hang on a wall somewhere but havent done that yet.

Thanks for stopping by.
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On 1:25 PM , Toevs said...

Just wanted to say...