A New Name
8:38 PM | Author: Eric Tuin
Well its official. The new company that was created as Vision Engineering is no longer. I officially made the change today and registered 2N Civil, LLC. It was pretty easy to change the name with the state actually but will be difficult to make all the changes to all of the company's and vendors that we work with. There will be a lot of expense to change business cards, signs, ect. I guess that is the way it goes and there is no point in getting overly excited about it since there is nothing I can do but move forward at this point. I believe that the new name will be better than the original one and that we will be able to really move forward now that we can focus on our actual work.
It ought to prove to be an interesting year and I still expect gerat things from this new company.
4:20 PM | Author: Eric Tuin

My head hurts...The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions and problems trying to deal with everything that goes on in creating a new business. I think for some reason this one has brought on more challenges and I am begining to wonder if it would have been easier to just start over insead of buying something. Oh well, too late for that!
So, Vision Engineering will soon be no longer as we've been challenged by a competitor using the word Vision. It depends on who you talk to as to if they have a case but regardless both my name and theirs are weak from a trademark perspective and therefore we are going to have to change names. I am taking suggestions so if you got something please feel free to share. I'll maybe post my logo and see what happens.
I am trying to stay positive and look on the bright side of things. Not to over-spiritualize but, I try to remember that even God re-named people as they went from one place to the next in their lives and brought them out of something and into the next. He changed Abram's name to Abraham...Jacob's name was changed to Israel. Usually they had their name longer than a few months but maybe we just sped through infantcy?
Thanks for stopping by and i'll catch you next time.