Mini Vacation
9:24 AM | Author: Eric Tuin
This last weekend we headed up to Breckenridge. We really did not want to go all week as the weather was looking like it was going to be bad. We had originally planned on a weekend away for just Mom and Dad but since the weather was going to be bad we lost our baby sitter and were going to have to take the kids. It ended up being a great weekend anyway! Yes there were times when the kids were not so good and they could have used much more sleep but overall it was fun and nice to get away for a couple days.

Today is also Marion's Birthday! Happy Birthday Marion, I love you and I am so blessed to have you in my life and have you as the mother of my children. I pray that you are blessed today.

Thanks for visiting my blog, see you next time.
...and I discovered MySpace
1:33 PM | Author: Eric Tuin
So I discovered MySpace, a co-worker introduced me to it, and at first I really did not see the reason for it but after you get to looking into it, it is pretty fun. You will have to go check it out and maybe create your own space. You can find old school friends, and family and even see who knows the people you know. I have discovered that the amount of people with a MySpace profile from your school, or where ever, is inversely proportional to your age! It seems that the younger you are the more people who are likely to have a page. Anyway, I hope you are able to try it out and have fun with it, can waste a lot of time.
The end of 2006
4:12 PM | Author: Eric Tuin

As you have probably heard the end of this year brought us much snow! You probably can not tell quite how much it was from this one picture but it was enought to make me want to get a snow blower for these times! The picture is after we shoveled our driveway and the pile of snow it created. Megan liked to play on it and slide down and put her face in the snow and generally just enjoy the snow.

I had the last week off from my normal work which was nice I was able to get some of my home projects done.

I tiled our downstairs bathroom as you can see in the picture and painted it as well. It is a nice change from the carpet and all the white walls we have in the house, it made us want to paint more soon.

Overall it was a good week off, I hope your 2007 is blessed!