My how time flies! I guess I've been a big slacker at writing the last couple weeks. Things have been busy although I'm not sure what I've been doing...Funny how that happens. My wife and I are even not seeing each other much which is very unusual for us. I guess sometimes maybe its good it makes you remember how much you like them and how much fun they are to be around! So the summary of my last 2-3 weeks: Working on our laundry room (installing cabinets and a sink, oh and also finishing the cabinets since we were short on $$); Pronghon hunting (yes much like an Antelope and most of the time miss-named Antelope when they are actually Pronghorn); Cutting up the Pronghorn meat and making various things with it; and other than my normal work and kids that's about it. It does not sound like much when you write it down but has taken up quite a bit of time.
I know I need to be a better manager at work and certainly have not arrived yet. So I have been listening to a book again for the third time in the last couple years called "How to Win Friends and Influence People" I'm sure many of you have heard of it. It was written before most of our parents were born but still applies to the dealings with people today. I would encourage everyone to read or listen to it. I listen to it in pieces on my way to and from work. Basically I think I would be a better person if I applied the principles of the book. The principles are all from the Bible but sometimes when I hear them in a different light it allows me to apply them to my situations easier. Maybe I'll write more about my dealings with people lately later.
Thank you all for stopping by it is nice to hear from you.
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Glad your hunting time seemed to be profitable for you. And I bet the laundry room looks great! It's fun that I can actually picture what it did look like.:-)
Looking forward to more posts!
You are the BEST!
It is great to know that whenever I am wondering how you are I can just stop in here and find out! Was thinking of you guys the last couple of weeks. Scott & Sarah moved down and have visited our church a couple of times. It is fun to see them- their boys are so grown up now. Time really does fly. Managing time is one of the great challenges of life.
Well, just wanted to stop in and say hi. Good job on the whole blogging thing. I haven't taken the time to start one yet. Our church has a couple of blogs that I manage and that takes time enough!