I guess life has been busy for the past few weeks and blogging has taken a back seat. I thought about writing several times and then just don't know what to write about. Since the last time I wrote my son has turned one year old. I can't believe that just a few months ago he was an infant and could not do much other than look at you. He now plays with toys, fights with his sister, eats mostly regular food and does the things most kids his age do. He is a joy to have around.
We went up in the mountains last week to cut our Christmas tree, some friends of ours went along with us to find the perfect tree. You realize if you haven't done that in a while how much pruning it must take to create the perfect tree. I guess perfect in our 2006 eyes. The tree we got is beautiful just not a full as the "normal" trees you get. So I guess the deep thought for today is that you have to be pruned to be full and perfect...as long as most of us have been alive we should all be full and perfect I guess since Jesus said the same thing 2000 years ago.
God is everywhere we just sometimes have to sit down and blog to find him.
I have been listening to some talk radio lately when I am not listening to something else...I also recently started listening to country music again, but that is a whole other topic. One of the people I like to listen to is Dennis Prager (www.pragerradio.com) he has a Happiness hour every Friday where he and other people that call in just talk about being happy. I think I always knew it but being reminded of a truth is always good and that is that Happiness is a choice. It is not something that you are when you feel like it. Something does not effect you to make you happy, you chose to be happy because it. If you are not happy it is because you (and I) have not chosen to be happy. It takes work and practice to keep yourself happy too.
With being a parent it seems that our kids absorb our happiness too just like they absorb our crabbyness, or worry, or whatever state we are in at the time. Just try it next time you are in your car with the kids and everyone is complaining and whining, sing a happy song or tell a joke or tickle someone and see how it changes the whole mood.
In working with people or dealing with people your happiness effects how they treat you and how you treat them. I think we would receive many more blessings in life if we all chose to be happy, and even when we don't feel like it :).
With being a parent it seems that our kids absorb our happiness too just like they absorb our crabbyness, or worry, or whatever state we are in at the time. Just try it next time you are in your car with the kids and everyone is complaining and whining, sing a happy song or tell a joke or tickle someone and see how it changes the whole mood.
In working with people or dealing with people your happiness effects how they treat you and how you treat them. I think we would receive many more blessings in life if we all chose to be happy, and even when we don't feel like it :).