Since I have two kids I can relate to a phenomenon that it seems like everyone is looking for in many areas of life, a warm fuzzy feeling. My one and a half year old seeks it from his Mom or his blanket, my four year gets one from her blanket and from reading books, I think we never grow out of it...
The bank right now is looking for one as well. They are dancing around things trying to get that feeling so that they can move one step closer to closing on a loan. I have given them all the financial information that they were looking for and last week it looked like they were ready to write a letter of intent to loan. Then someone did not feel good about a portion of the deal and now wants more historical financial information about High Country and how this division that I'm purchasing did over the last few years. The problem with that is it was one company and the different divisions were not broken out so to create the history is really just making educated guesses about how to split everything up. We see it as a waste of time but if it makes the bank get that feeling they are looking for then I guess its worth it. I just don't see how taking one company's financial history applies to a different company's future. It is like taking the historical information of Kmart and applying that to Walmart's future and we all know how that played out!
I am getting tired of the game and just want everything to be finalized and go through. We had set a closing date of September 20 something and I'm hoping that we can still make that date. It has been since May that this thing started and it seems to be taking way too long. I continue to trust that God works all things for good and believe there is no stopping this, its just finding the parties that want to get on board and finish the deal. I hope I don't have to start the process over with another bank but that is not out of the question should this one decide that they can't do it.
Thanks for checking in!